If you have, you are in a select group of 4.69% of PC users globally. Windows 7 is at 53.89% and old XP at 27.7% (source: StatCounter). This is after 6 months since the launch of Windows 8.
Our own experience in-house and supporting clients, using Windows 8, is overall positive. It is faster, less problematic and seems to work very well on all the older machines that we have upgraded. I upgraded my own dual core HP and all the slowness, crashes and general malaise with Windows 7 disappeared.
But…. the loss of the Start Button and the new Startup screen has made for user confusion and apprehension for those considering upgrading. My mouse often strays to the bottom left hand corner of the screen in search of a non-existent start button – and like the shock of waking up from a sweet dream – it’s gone!
However there is stuff on the horizon! Windows Blue is on the way (to be released on June 26th) which is the Microsoft code name for Windows 8.1 and it seems the start button is back! Also there will be “boot to desktop”, at present Windows 8 boots to the Start Screen. (See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22714048)
There will be many other changes making the start screen more useable and attractive, SkyDrive will feature more prominently and searching improved to include files as well as programs.
This might well be the moment to take the plunge….
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