Suppose you have an office with 5 users on PCs. The users will want fast access to a shared drive – say the N: drive. But there could be other requirements…
– Access to the N: drive for mobile staff on the road or at home.
– another small office with 8 users wants to share the same N: drive
This can be solved using Egnyte Storage Sync. The files can be stored on a Netgear ReadyNas network drive. The drive has a plugin to Egnyte which syncs all files up to the Egnyte Cloud. These files are then accessible by any staff working remotely (mobile office).
A second office could also have a Netgear ReadyNas drive which again has an Egnyte plugin and the cloud files will again sync.
Thus we can have multiple offices and mobile users all accessing the same drive which is continually in sync – plus keeps past versions of the all documents.
This is an example of Hybrid Cloud. There is a local storage device in the office but there is also a Cloud Facility.